Future/ Current Solutions

Obama plan for spotted owl: kill rival barred owl

Current News To Remove Barred Owls using Lethal methods:
 Despite all the efforts to conserve this owl, numbers have still been declining. Action must take place! Check out the page below and watch the interesting video!


Emphasis on Habitat Preservation:
Management of wildfires will be crucial to the preservation of habitat, and also controlling insect outbreaks will be key in future conservation efforts. With plans to removed Barred Owls, further emphasis on protecting the habitat and increasing its quality will be more effective as spotted owl competition declines. As shown in previous studies, old growth forest preservation will be beneficial to protect the owl and also supply greater prey abundances (Gutierez. 1985), as well as the maintaining a high habitat quality through the preservation of these forests which counters the negative effects of climate change. (Franklin et al. 2000)

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